Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Moms...How do they do it?

Okay, so being a nanny has got me thinking about how in the world all of you wonder-moms do it all?! I have been discussing this little mystery lately with some of my friends and family because I already feel like there aren't enough hours in the day. And this is what we have come up with...

When you become a mother God gives you the superpowers of:
  • No need for sleep
  • Ability to shower and dress yourself in under 10 minutes
  • Ability to stretch groceries like the 'fish and the loaves'
  • Ability to make every part of dinner be ready at the same time (my mother-in-law should teach a class in this...and cooking in general)
  • Super willpower regarding NBCs new fall line-up
  • A new sense of turning trash to crafts
  • Knowledge of what temperature is right for a coat and scarf
So naturally I have none of the aforementioned superpowers, but being a nanny has really got me thinking that there are a few more superpowers I hope to recieve once I become a mother--these are things that all of you super-moms out there have already mastered...
  • The incredible ability to multi-task above and beyond the call of duty(my mom has got this in spades!) Yes this bastically covers everything except...
  • The ability to use Saran wrap...If having a baby doesn't give me this, I think im never gonna get the hang of it
So okay you power-moms I really don't know how you do it all, and still have clean and stylishly dressed children on your hip, but I just wanted to let you know I've been thinking about all of you and your masterful abilities to get it all done! To all of you working moms out there, just wow you are amazing. To my mommy thanks for having all of these superpowers I love you!

As for me, I think I need a few more years of practice being a wife before mommyhood...but oh its fun to dream!

1 comment:

  1. C, please tell me you have this picture framed; you all look amazing in it!
